Falling into the Darkness that is the end of the Road

I have been on a slow and long decent, one that has been a struggle and slippery slope towards the darkness.

As I have fought against this thing, the dark passenger grabbing and holding onto my life, the black dog snatching at my leg and holding me down,  I have become progressively tired of this fight.
But once again like always, when this bought on movement towards the my ending, I look out towards those who know me and worry how they would cope if I was gone from this mortal realm, and then I choose to stay for another day or two.

Mental Health at an all Time Low

I have not been the most well person of late, and by this I do not mean my Ankylosing Spondylitis, by this I mean my mental health.


The medications have been keeping me talking with my mental health people, but I have also been very low, to the point of not wanting to continue this painful existence.


I feel these cartoons show a little of what I have been dealing with of recent.